Chapter 11

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you." Isaiah54:10 NIV


The hopelessly predictable action movie on the screen blared away, but I hadn’t paid much attention beyond the opening credits.  It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and she lay with her head in my lap as I ran my fingers absently through her hair. The last few months had been somewhat of a rollercoaster. Beautiful highs and puncturing lows, blended into an intricate balance of ebb and flow. 

It hadn’t taken long for the rumors of our ‘sordid affair' to spread like wildfire and tongues were wagging in contemptuous disdain. Though she tried very hard to hide it, I never missed the sad flicker in her eyes every time someone she knew, purposefully snubbed her greeting or walked right passed her, chin raised, as if she didn’t exist. All this, simply for choosing to be obedient to God’s call for her life and loving me. It should not have surprised me at all, but I couldn’t help wondering if she was truly up for this. 

She, of course, set me straight immediately when I brought it up and struck my heart when she explained that the sadness she felt when people behaved that way, was not for herself, but for their inability to see the beauty of God’s grace and goodness, not only in our story, but also in me. 

Her father offered a hearty greeting as he strolled into the living room. The easiness of our exchange revealing nothing of the rocky road we had walked to get here. Long gone were the days of grumbled greetings and tension filled gatherings around the Sunday lunch table.

I knew he had reservations about my suitability as a partner to his daughter and I would be lying if I said the burden of those reservations hadn’t weighed on me, but I had decided to trust God to help me lay the foundations of the relationship with him in a way that blessed us both. Faithful as ever, the Holy Spirit had blanketed every interaction between us with love and grace, slowly forging the bond that whispered truths spoken only between the hearts of fathers and sons.      

Beyond the challenges, there had been so many beautiful moments over the months. A patient, steady approach ignited a slow burn, growing in love and yielding such sweet and memorable experiences. The first time she slipped her hand into mine, I was struck, not by the visual contrast, but simply by how well it fit. So very different, yet perfectly suited, reminding me of how Jesus calls each one of his beloved children to common purpose in very different ways. 

The splendor of creation is displayed in its diversity. Like a field of vibrant wildflowers it reflects God’s glory in a spectacular symphony of color, all created in His likeness, with hands to serve and hearts to love. Starring down at our entwined fingers I had never been more aware of this powerful truth. 

The dull movie was over and the end credits were rolling when I realized she had fallen asleep at some point. She was snoring ever so slightly and I bit back a chuckle as I considered what that might mean for the future... The coming weeks would be full of the common hustle that no honest man was exempt from. Work, studies, assignment deadlines and learner driving tests. God had expanded my world in miraculous ways and opened doors of opportunity that had seemed shut for the longest time. 

In that quiet moment of restful peace, I was perfectly content and so was she. We had already come a long way in spite of the ugliness that sought to tear us apart, choosing in stead to follow the voice that drew us together. God had long ago shown me glimpses of His heart for us and it was full of wonder. A stunning canvas on a grand scale that was being revealed in small pieces, through simple acts of obedience. I knew for sure that it would include countless moments just like this one. Overwhelming gratitude swelled in my chest and the lyrics of “Oh how He loves us” echoed through my spirit. Truer words had never been spoken.


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